Roles of Quality in Brand Image and It’s Growth:
Quality is an important matter in the readymade garments sector. All the garments buyers are invested a lot of money to sustain their quality brands. There is a vast difference between productivity and quality, a factory that has achieved high productivity does not necessarily mean that it has achieved high quality. Quality can be achieved by adherence to predefined quality standards of the industry and that of the buyer. Implementing quality control by laying down inspection points at every stage of the product cycle. Adopting quality control measures as a continuous process in the functioning of the company [i.e. in planning, organizing, directing, and controlling] and not making it a one-time goal. Implementing quality systems by having a proper tabulation record of inspection of goods and implementation of procedures.

Definition of Quality:
Given below are some definitions of Quality and explanations for the same for in-depth understanding.
Quality as defined by International Standard for Organization “The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied need”.
In clothing, this would simply mean that the design, fabric, accessories, trims are as per a set standard of quality and function that is predetermined and satisfies the end-users aesthetic, psychological, and economic needs.
Quality as per John Banks “Quality is fully satisfying agreed customer requirements at lowest customer cost.
The “satisfaction of the customer’s requirement “would mean conformance of product performance is in correlation to value for money, in time delivery, design appeal, and durability. “All this is available at the lowest cost” means the cost of material, manpower, operation, development of the product is made available at the lowest cost to beat the competition.
Quality as per W.E .Deming the father of Quality is “it will not suffice to have a merely satisfied customer. An unhappy customer will switch. Unfortunately, a satisfied customer may also switch, on the theory of he could not lose much and might gain. Profits in business come from repeat customers, customers that boast about your products and service, and that bring friends with them.”
An organization like Or flame, Tupperware, and Amway in their early stages of growth did not go for full-fledged marketing by advertising instead build up a network of agents that spread the popularity of its product by word of mouth which gained momentum and brought profits to the organization, following such method also reduced overhead costs. These organizations were confident about the quality of their product as well as the price they offered in comparison to other organizations and thereby won the loyalty of the customers and repeat sales.
Importance of Achieving Quality for an Organization:
Good Will, Meet Competition, Profit, Stay in the Market, Develop Brand Name and Image, Meet Customer Awareness. The continuous process of following quality standards and achieving low cost brings in loyal customers, brand name, and brand identity. Over time a good will of the organization is established. The customer becomes aware of the product performance, reliability, durability, conformance to the standard of the product. As the products are used it is found to be as per their expectation or superseding it. The service offered by the organization is interacting with the customers and taking feedback, giving instantaneous response to their queries also helps in killing competitions along with the other measures and brings in profit. Thus adopting Quality standards proves to be profitable in all ways for the organization, its employees, and customers.
Advantages of Adopting Quality Measures:
Greater market share, higher growth rate, premium price, loyal customers, highly motivated employees, recognition and esteem, reduction Of defects, fewer mistakes, rejection, repairs, scrap, and overtime.
When quality standards and systems are adopted and conveyed to all in the organization . They are on the same page of quality and understand its workings. As a result, the reworking of the employees in terms of a defect ,repairs, rejections are reduced. This boosts the morale of the employees and a team spirit is built. The fatigue time is reduced as well as the cost in terms of labor, time, material, and money is reduced. When reworking gets reduced it leads to an increase in productivity. The reduction of cost of making the product and winning loyal customers leads the organization to stand out in the market and capture a greater market share in sales and the ability to ask for a premium price for its product. Adopting quality standards and systems leads to a win-win situation for the organization and its employees and customers.
Disadvantages of not Adopting Quality Measures:
Unnecessary field service, duplication of effort, rush delivery cost, turf battles, late charges, customer return and allowance, absenteeism, customer dissatisfaction, lost business, past dues receivables, work hassles, confusion, lost time due to accidents.
When quality standards and systems are not adopted and not conveyed to all in the company, there is confusion as the employee’s role and work procedures are also not defined. Each one work as they deem fit. This leads to chaos. The employees are frustrated with rework and have no one to look up to for assistance and resort to absenteeism. The blame game for every mistake takes place, turf battles exits as responsibilities and accountability are not streamlined. Overtime, to complete the work, increases thereby the cost of the product. The customers are dissatisfied with the qualities of goods achieved due to rush work. Goods are returned leading to loss of customer and loyalty. Accidents occur in rushing the work to reach deadlines. Transportation cost increases as there is no time for negotiation. Poor performance, product, and service lead to loss of business. The money payable is held back as there is no confidence in the organization’s performance. Not adopting Quality Standards and Systems leads to a situation for the organization and its employees where the growth is stunted, unhappiness prevails and organizational goals are not achieved and customers are dissatisfied.
Written By-
Consultant and Merchandising Manager
Mumbai, India

Mayedul Islam is a Founder and Editor of Garments Merchandising. He is an Expert in Garments Merchandising. Writing is his passion. He loves to write articles about Apparel, Textile and Garment Washing specially on Merchandising. Mail him at