Regardless of the type of company you have, it is of the utmost importance you value your employees and create a proper working environment that facilitates their performance. Not only is this aforementioned aspect important, but in order to maintain – and increase – their motivation, specific actions are essential. Otherwise, if you do not value their individual growth and acknowledge their performance, they won’t be incentivized to give their best.

Research has shown that an individual’s productivity is directly related to how motivated they are, and if they find their work valuable, such motivation will increase. This is no different in a textile manufacturing company. Garment workers, or sewing machine operators, are crucial to achieving prompt results and a company’s good reputation. For this reason, increasing their motivation is of the utmost importance.
Provide regular training:
In a textile manufacturing company, training should be provided at all times. Whether it is at the beginning, when a new worker is hired, or through time, whenever new equipment is provided, employers should be up to date with the technology. As a company, offering training programs or workshops is a way of supporting your employees’ growth. This way, you secure the development of the company itself. The human capital of your company is the guarantee that the business’s objectives are met. So, if your employees’ performance is not facilitated when needed, the business will be unable to achieve good results.
What’s more, training your employees regularly is an effective way of motivating them. The reason for this being that, with acquiring new skills, they are given a chance to improve individually. This, in turn, will make them eligible for a promotion or getting a performance bonus. Individual employee growth means collective development as a whole company. In the garment industry, offering training shows you value your employees’ work and wish to give them the needed tools to improve professionally.
Prioritize health and safety:
In the textile industry and a manufacturing company, the use of various types of machinery is indispensable. Sewing machine operators have to handle milling machines, lathes, and many others. While some of them can be operated digitally, others are manual. Therefore, it isn’t uncommon for workers in a textile manufacturing company to be exposed to specific hazards.
For this reason, it is of the utmost importance you adhere to health and safety measures to ensure your employees are adequately taken care of and the risks of the job are significantly decreased. Apart from this, garment workers are predisposed to developing some health care issues, such as musculoskeletal disorders due to long hours sitting at a sewing machine. So, back pains, for example, or even ophthalmological problems are not uncommon, unfortunately.
For this reason, it is of the utmost importance you prioritize their health. In case an employee feels unwell due to the demand of the job, it is vital you allow them the necessary time to seek professional help. For instance, telemedicine solution is an effective method for patients who might not have the possibility of going to the doctor’s office often. Such service helps them stay on track with treatment or check their condition.
Communicate openly and listen to them:
Motivated employees bring many benefits to the company, given that the relationships between them and their managers or team leaders are strong and promote productivity. A healthy workplace environment will reduce absenteeism and increase employee retention, meaning that the workers trust you as an employer and are loyal, seeing you also have their best interest in mind. This will motivate them to work at their fullest potential.
To achieve this, it is essential you prioritize honest and open communication by focusing on building work relationships. This way, in case of any issues or conflicts, you are more prepared to handle these types of tense situations. Plus, employees see that you take an interest in them if you listen to their needs. Not to mention that, in a textile manufacturing company, communication is vital to facilitate production and achieve daily objectives. Teams who are able to work seamlessly and effectively together are more productive, and only with open communication can you accomplish this.
Recognize good work and offer rewards:
Monitor your employees’ performance closely and recognize whenever they achieve an objective and reach a milestone, no matter how big or small. This shows them that you pay attention and, by knowing their work is acknowledged and rewarded, they will be highly motivated. What’s more, it is vital you empower and encourage innovative ideas. Some employees might make themselves more visible and represent an example for others.
It is essential you recognize your employee’s good work and listen to ideas that could improve the company’s performance. More often than not, employees are the ones who know for sure what areas need improvement in some areas of the business. In a textile manufacturing company, no one knows the production process better than garment workers and other essential employees. Hence, give them the opportunity to provide feedback and even come with strategies that might improve performance. Apart from allowing them to express their opinions, it is also important you reward them whenever they achieve an objective. Such incentives will motivate them.
HR policies that promote a healthy culture:
Although financial incentives or other rewards can increase motivation and prioritize your employees’ growth and well-being, the truth is that these actions have to be embedded in the company’s culture. An effective way of doing this is through HR policies that show you value your employees and their work.
For instance, it is crucial you allow them leave days whenever they might need it, provided they have a good reason. Apart from vacation days, it is recommended you listen to your employees when or if they have an urgent personal matter and let them take some days off. Last but not least, another method of facilitating their work is by providing lunch breaks as well as smaller breaks to avoid them getting overwhelmed with the workload. To promote a healthy culture and increase motivation, you could even create a habit of everyone getting lunch together. It is an excellent chance to spend time collectively and strengthen work relationships.

Mayedul Islam is a Founder and Editor of Garments Merchandising. He is an Expert in Garments Merchandising. Writing is his passion. He loves to write articles about Apparel, Textile and Garment Washing specially on Merchandising. Mail him at
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