Difference between Label and Motif

label and motif

Difference between Label and Motif: Label and motif are two important trimmings that are used in garments manufacturing. The label is a must needed trimmings in garments and to make garments fashionable motif has great importance. Though label and motif both are trimmings there’s some basic difference by which we can easily identify those. What is Label in Garment? The

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Different Types of Label Used in Garments

Different Garments Label

Different Types of Label Used in Garments: The label is an important part of a garment. A label is more than just a piece of fabric, which directly communicates with the customer. It’s something like that drawing the full attention of the customer. Also describes what the product quality actually is. Based on the label, the customer decides whether he/

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What are the Difference between Trimmings and Accessories?

trimmings and accessories

Comparison between Accessories and Trimmings Trimmings and Accessories Used in Apparel Industry: In garments manufacturing, fabrics are not the only material to make garments. Several types of equipment are used here for both decorative and functional purposes. Where some are called trimmings and others are called accessories. But there’s so many who don’t know actually what is the difference between

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