Types of Stitch Used in Garments
What is Stitch in Garment?
Stitch is very important during manufacturing a garment. Stitch can be defined as, one unit of conformation resulting from one or more strands or loops of thread by intra-looping, inter-looping, and interlacing. The stitch quality is measured with stitch size, stitch length, width, depth, tension, sequence, elongation, elasticity, resilience, fabric distortion, yarn severance, and abrasive strength. There are six types of stitch, which are deeply discussed in this article.
Different Types of Stitch Used in Garments:
There are different types of stitch used in garments; those are mentioned in the following:
- Class-100 (Chain Stitch),
- Class-200 (Hand Stitch),
- Class-300 (Lock Stitch),
- Class-400 (Multi Thread Stitch),
- Class-500 (Over Edge Stitch),
- Class-600 (Covering Chain Stitch).
All the above types of stitch have discussed below:
1. Class-100 (Chain Stitch):
Class-100 is named chain stitch, which is produced by one or more needle threads and is characterized by interloping. In a chain stitch, one needle thread is passed through the fabric, form a needle loop, and is secured by the next loop formed by the same thread. It should be noted that the chain stitch is elastic and thicker than the lock stitch and can easily be raveled online casinos österreich, where particular care is required to prevent run back from the last stitch.

Class-100 (Chain Stitch) has three types- 101, 103, and 104. These types of stitches are used in hemming, belt loops, padding operations, and felling.
2. Class-200 (Hand Stitch):
Class-200 is named as hand stitch which is produced from a single thread. This single thread is passed through the fabric from one side to another and the stitch is secured by the single line of thread passing in and out schweizer online casinos of the garment.

Class-200 (Hand Stitch) has four types- running basting, backstitch, diagonal basting, and buttonhole stitch. These types of stitches are used for stitching costly dresses, jackets, and sample dresses.
3.Class-300 (Lock Stitch):
Class-300 is named as lock stitch which is produced with two or more groups of threads and two threads are joined by interlacing. Here, loops of one group are passed through the fabric and are secured by the thread of the second group, where one group is referred to as needle thread and the other as bobbin thread hausarbeit schreiben lassen. Class-300 (Lock Stitch) has enough strength and the same appearance on both sides.

Class-300 (Lock Stitch) has four types- 301. 304, 308, and 309. These types of stitch are used for stitching underwear, most types, and apparel, and decorative purposes.
4.Class-400 (Multi Thread Stitch):
Class-400 is named as multi-thread stitch which is formed with two or more groups of threads. Here, loops of one group of thread are passed through the fabric and are secured by interlacing and interloping with loops of another group. Among the two groups, one group is called needle thread masterarbeit schreiben lassen, and another group is called looper thread.

Class-400 (Multi Thread Stitch) has an appearance of a lock stitch on the top but has a double chain effect formed by a looper thread on the under-side.
Class-400 (Multi Thread Stitch) has three types- 401, 404, and 406. These types of stitches are used for setting elastic in waistbands and decorative stitching on belts.
5.Class-500 (Over Edge Stitch):
Class-500 is named as an overedge stitch which is formed with one or more groups of threads. In Class-500 (Over Edge Stitch), one group of threads passes around the edge of the fabric so that no thread from ghostwriter österreich erfahrungen the fabric can come out. The most used stitch of this type have one or two needle threads and one or two looper threads and thus forms a narrow band of stitching along the edge of the fabric.

Class-500 (Over Edge Stitch) has three types- 503, 504, and 512. This type of stitch is used for edge neatening of knitted fabrics, where extensibility of stitches is important, also used for sportswear and dancewear garments.
6. Class-600 (Covering Chain Stitch):
Class-600 is named as covering chain stitch which is produced with three groups of threads. Here, threads of two groups can be seen from either side. In class-600 (Covering Chain Stitch), the first group of the thread is called needle thread ghostwriter österreich, the second group is called a top cover thread, and the third group is called a bottom cover thread.

Class-600 (Covering Chain Stitch) is very complex and up to 9 threads can be used in producing these types of stitch.
Class-600 (Covering Chain Stitch) has three types- 602, 605, and 607. These types of stitches are used for knits, lingerie, binding elastics, decoration, etc.

Mayedul Islam is a Founder and Editor of Garments Merchandising. He is an Expert in Garments Merchandising. Writing is his passion. He loves to write articles about Apparel, Textile and Garment Washing specially on Merchandising. Mail him at mayedul.islam66@gmail.com
its very impertinent knowledge
Thanks for your valuable comment…
Dear mr Islam
I m 65 years old n want to have practical knowledge of all type of stitching, how can I achieve this ??
Reason for this learning is I m going to open a garment factory
Where I want to give free training to poor people n also after training wants to give them job in garment factory
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Families who really cannot earn much n my target is to give employment n training to atleast 10,000 people before I depart
From this world so that this 10,000 people n can train many thousands in coming year
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Please advise
May Allah bless you n reward you the most for your kind work for humanity
Thanks for your nice comment. Believe me, totally inspired from your comment.
U can contact with someone who is expert in stitching. there are so many besides u. Also there are so many training institutions who are provided the training for the unskilled person.
Very useful
Really useful for small Tailors like me.thank you.
Your writing things are very helpful to me,,,
Really good.
Thank u so much. Mayedul Islam . its Very nice
How do you measure the stitches per inch of the overedge stitch 504?
this is very useful information about all types of stitching .
wonderful job sir
god bless you 😊