Fabric Consumption Calculation for Polo Shirt

Fabric Consumption Calculation method for knitted Polo Shirt

Fabric Consumption Calculation Method for Knitted Polo Shirt

What is Fabric consumption in Clothing Industry?

Fabric consumption is a common term in the garments merchandising sector. You can easily reduce the fabric wastage if you can make an accurate consumption of that order. Accurate fabric consumption is proportional to order profit.

As its importance in garments merchandising, today I will discuss the method of fabric consumption calculation for the polo shirt. Hope it will be very effective for you.

Parts of polo shirt
Parts of polo shirt

Method of Fabric Consumption Calculation for Knitted Polo Shirt:

Before going to the consumption calculation, you have to identify every part of a knitted polo shirt. A knitted polo shirt consists of the following parts-

  1. Body parts (Body + Sleeve),
  2. Collar,
  3. Cuff,
  4. Pocket,
  5. Half-moon.

But pocket and the half-moon totally depend on the buyer, if the buyer advised about it, then you have to do that.

H & M forwards a knitted polo shirt item order (10000pcs) to you with the following specification.

  1. 100% cotton single jersey fabric for body parts (Body + Sleeve), Half-moon, and Pocket. Where fabric GSM is 160.
  2. 1 × 1 Rib fabric for collar and Cuff. Where the fabric GSM is 230.

Follow the below measurement chart.

Now, find out the fabric consumption for the above order.

So, in the below, now I will present the total fabric consumption method for the above order in part by part:

1. Fabric consumption for Body parts (Body +Sleeve):
Here, we will follow the following formula (per dozen),Fabric consumption for Body parts (Body +Sleeve)
= 2.48kg per dozen.

So, fabric’s consumption for Body parts (Body +Sleeve) is 2.48kg per dozen.

2. Fabric’s consumption for Collar:
Here, we will follow the following formula (per dozen),Fabric consumption for Collar

= 0.12144kg per dozen.

So, fabric’s consumption for Collar is 0.12144kg per dozen.

3. Fabric’s consumption for Cuff:
Here, we will follow the following formula (per dozen),Fabric consumption for Cuff

= 0.072kg per dozen.

So, fabric’s consumption for Cuff is 0.072kg per dozen.

4. Fabric’s consumption for Pocket:
Here, we will follow the following formula (per dozen),Fabric consumption for Pocket

= 0.03kg per dozen.

So, fabric’s consumption for Pocket is 0.03kg per dozen.

5. Fabric’s consumption for Half-moon:
Here, we will follow the following formula (per dozen),Fabric consumption for Half- moon

= 0.04kg per dozen.

So, Fabric’s consumption for Half- moon is 0.04kg per dozen.

Now, the total amount of cotton single jersey fabric needed for this order is (per dozen),

= [{Fabric’s consumption for Body parts (Body +Sleeve) + Fabric’s consumption for Pocket + Fabric’s consumption for Half- moon} + wastage (10%)]

= {(2.48+ 0.03+ 0.04) kg + 10%}
= 2.55kg + 10%
= 2.805kg per dozen

So, for 10000pcs (833.33 dozen) polo shirts, cotton single jersey fabric needed (2.805 × 833.33) = 2337.5kg

Total amount of (1 × 1) Rib fabric needed for this order is (per dozen),
= {(Fabric’s consumption for Collar + Fabric’s consumption for Cuff) + wastage (10%)}
= {(0.12144 + 0.072) kg + 10%}
= (0.19344kg + 10%)
= 0.213kg per dozen.

So, for 10000pcs (833.33 dozen) polo shirts clothing, (1 × 1) Rib fabric needed (0.213 × 833.33) = 177.50kg.

33 thoughts on “Fabric Consumption Calculation for Polo Shirt

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  4. Personally i just like going with a collared long-sleeved shirt with the seelves rolled up for casual wear. I think it’s a better look than a polo shirt most times and unless I’m planning on doing sports or some fairly physical activity it’ll do just as well. +4Was this answer helpful?

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