How to Estimate Production Capacity of a Garment Factory?

Production Capacity in Garment Factory

How to Estimate Production Capacity of a Garment Factory?

Production capacity estimation for a garment factory is an important issue in the readymade garments sector. It plays an important role in the buyer in selecting the right vendor for their orders. How much a garment factory can produce their items per day has been estimated here. As its importance in the garments manufacturing sector, today I will present here the production’s capacity estimation method for a garment factory.

Production Capacity:

The production capacity of a garment factory is totally related to machine (hr) capacity, line efficiency of that factory and standard allowed minute (SAM) of produced item. For achieving accurate production capacity of a garment factory, an industrial engineer should confirm accurate cutting room capacity, finishing room capacity, and washing capacity also.

Production in garment factory
Production in a garment factory

Production Capacity Calculation Method of a Garment Factory:

For calculating the productions capacity of a garment factory, an industrial engineer should confirm the below information:

  1. Machine (hr) capacity per day,
  2. Individual product’s standard allowed minute (SAM),
  3. Line efficiency of garment factory or factory efficiency.

Now, by using the following formula, an industrial engineer can easily calculate the productions capacity of a garment factory.

Production capacity (Pcs),


Suppose, Noman Fashion Ltd. has 10 sewing lines, each sewing line has 20 machines. They have to produce basic knitted polo shirt items at 8hrs working day, (where machine-hr capacity is 1600hrs and line efficiency is 60%).

So, find out the productions capacity of that factory.



Machine (hr) capacity per day= 1600hrs,

Line efficiency of garment factory= 60%,

Standard allowed minute (SAM) for knitted polo shirt= 20


Productions capacity (Pcs),

= 2880pcs

So, the garment productions capacity of the above factory is 2880pcs per day.

Speech from the writer:

If you read this article attentively then you can easily answer the following questions in the interview:

  1. What do you mean by productions capacity of a garment factory?
  2. How to calculate production’s capacity of a clothing factory?
  3. How to calculate production’s capacity of a factory?
  4. How to calculate productions capacity of an apparel industry?
  5. Explain the productions capacity calculation method for a garment factory.

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