How to Calculate Carton Costing in Garment Industry?

carton costing

How to Calculate Carton Costing in Apparel Industry?

Carton costing is very much important in garments merchandising. Carton costing is not a tough task that we have normally seemed. This article has shown an easy method for calculating carton costings in the apparel industry.

Carton Costing Calculation Method in Garments Industry:

Before calculating carton costing, a garments merchandiser should confirm the following information:

  1. Carton length in cm,
  2. Carton width in cm,
  3. Carton height in cm.

Important tips**
Then, the garment merchandiser should calculate plyboard consumption for the carton box and multiply with ply board rate.

Now by using the below formula, a garment merchandiser can easily calculate carton box costing in the readymade garments industry.

Carton costing (Per pc carton box),
= Plyboard consumption (Per pc carton in square meter) × plyboard rate (per sq. meter)………… (1)

Now, one example is enough to remove all the confusion from the above discussion.


Suppose, a 5 ply carton having a length of 65cm, a width of 45cm, and a height of 12cm. Now calculate Carton box costings for 400pcs carton box. (where 5 ply board rate is $0.65 per square meter).



Carton length – 65cm,
Width of carton- 45cm,
Carton height – 12cm,
5 ply board rate per square meter- $0.65

Total carton-400pcs.


Plyboard consumption (Per pc carton in square meter),

= 1.41 square meter per pc carton.

Now, from (1), we get-

Carton costings (Per pc carton box),
= Plyboard consumption (Per pc carton in square meter) × plyboard rate (per sq. meter)
= 1.41 × 0.65
=$0.92 per pc carton box.


For 1pc carton, carton box costings stand at =$0.92.


For 400pcs carton, carton box costings will be (0.92 × 400) = $368.

Speech from the writer:
If you read this article with full attention, then you can easily answer the following questions in the interview:

  1. How to calculate carton costings in the garments industry?
  2. How to estimate carton costings in the clothing industry?
  3. Mention the carton costings calculation method.
  4. Mention the carton consumption and costings method in the apparel industry.
  5. Mention the carton consumption and costings for garments merchandiser.

7 thoughts on “How to Calculate Carton Costing in Garment Industry?

  1. Pls inform
    1) How carton allowance would be calculated?
    2) Formula in inch.
    3) What is standard allowance?

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