Full Automatic Fabric Spreading Machine- An Overview

Full automatic fabric spreading machine

Advantage and Disadvantage of Full Automatic Fabric Spreading Machine:

Full automatic fabric spreading machine is the upgrade version of the semi-automatic spreading machine. It has great importance in the apparel manufacturing sector. In the past, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the semi-automatic spreading machine. Now, this article has shown various advantages and disadvantages of the full automatic spreading machine which will be very effective for all the persons related to the readymade garments sector.


Full Automatic Fabric Spreading:

This type of fabric spreading machine is an improvement of the semi-automatic spreading machine. There are a lot of advantages to this machine to make fabric lay. Because this spreading machine is operated by controlling with the help of a microprocessor and robot.

Advantages of Full Automatic Fabric Spreading:

Various advantages of this type of fabric spreading have mentioned below:

  1. Here, m/c can be set before the expected amount of plies spreading.
  2. After completing, fabric spreading will stop automatically and give a signal.
  3. By using a robotic system, it will automatically come to the end of the table and set another roll in the spreading head when the spreading of each roll is finished.
  4. It is automatically spliced and starts new fabric spreading were the last fabric roll has finished.
  5. There is a spreading head so that any types of fault are identified by using this sensor, and also the spreading head is stopped and the defective fabric is cut by itself.
  6. Any kind of fabric can be spread by using this machine and any kind of lay can be made.
  7. Less time is needed here for fabric spreading.
  8. Also, it needs less labor cost.

The disadvantage of Full Automatic Fabrics Spreading:

Different disadvantages of this type of fabric spreading have pointed out in the following:

  1. It is very expensive so that capital investment is high.
  2. A skillful operator is needed to operate these types of machines.

2 thoughts on “Full Automatic Fabric Spreading Machine- An Overview

  1. How can solve the edge up down of spandex fabric during lay time when cuttable width become some variable due to taking relax 18 to 24 hrs.?

    Anybody else to answer pls…

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    Robotics and automation in textile industry by harsh jindal and spinder kaur

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